Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Jones'-ing and swings

Two testing events today. A Green and Black's Organic Chocolate bar on my colleagues desk and a guy eating a burger on the tube on the way home.  The chocolate was the harder of the two, but seeing some of the pics of the PCP'ers in the programme ahead of us is motivation enough.  

Ok, so has anyone else got a bit grumpy lately?  I'm usually a pretty happy laid back guy, but the last few days everything is starting to really piss me off.  Is it my body reacting to not having sugar and processed food?  Writing blunt e-mails at work, snappy with colleagues and don't even get me started on the tube journeys into work.  I'm hoping this passes quickly or I need a way to vent.  I've also noticed  I am more tired than usual. Especially in the middle of the afternoon.  Anybody else?

Alright, bed calls..........  


  1. Yes, I would say your grumpiness is your body's last effort to get you to turn back to the dark side. This means that in the next few days you'll start feeling much much better. Push through!

  2. Oh man, that's Shirley right now... ha ! - and she's going to kill me for writing this... (maybe she won't read this blog)

  3. I am indeed reading this (thanks Ricky!) and totally feel what you're going thru...First of all, your colleague is evil for having Green & Blacks chocolate near you (they are my ultimate weakness) and secondly I do find myself grumpy at times, for no apparent reason...Angry at the smallest things ie. washing dishes, colleagues speaking too loud etc etc. Not really noticing the tiredness but just snappy. I too hope this is just a short phase which will move along swiftly...Hang in there, we're in this together ;-)

  4. Thanks Shirley and Ricky, you guys are hilarious!!
