Wednesday, 9 March 2011

2nd Gear

Ok, back in the UK and getting my meals ready for tomorrow.  I think I might have to go down to part time hours as I have no idea how I am supposed to eat so much food in one day.  I'm wandering if I can just blend everything and drink it - or maybe a straight IV drip beside my desk.

The exercises have really jumped up a notch too.  I just finished for the night.  My jump rope skills are much improved and I actually got to 100 jumps before the rope got tangled in my feet.  Quite an achievement.

Tomorrow is my big shopping day for food.  I've cleaned out my fridge and thrown out a lot of things I know Patrick would never approve of.  I have a feeling I am probably going to save myself a ton of money over the next 81 days.....and that's even before I count all the money from not drinking bottles of wine.

Well, I am up at 5:30 tomorrow for work, so just wanted to say congrats to everyone on completing the first week.  I've enjoyed reading the blogs and its definitely helping to keep me motivated. Thanks for that.

Phil x

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