Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Its kicking off

Ok, so in usual Phil fashion, I've lost the cable that links my camera to my laptop, so picture of this week taken and hopefully it'll be up in the next day or so.

The work-outs are getting more intense and time intensive.  All the skipping and endless lunges are making my legs pretty muscular, more so than they have been in a very long time, maybe ever.  I am hoping the same happens to the upper body.  I'm secretly hoping the skipping becomes less of the programme but I doubt that is the case. 1300 is a whopping amount.

I think my body has now finally adapted to the food regime and I can't say I have any serious cravings any more.  That's pretty impressive given the folk in my office have a table dedicated to cookies and cakes and pop.  Luckily they all know about my diet so even if I wanted to cheat, I couldn't get away with it.

I think I need to weigh myself, I'm losing weight up a storm,  I'm almost three belt loops up now.

Ok, this boy is off to bed.

P :)

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Day 27

Almost four weeks down.  I have to admit I snuck some bad food today.  I think I will repeat today's exercise tomorrow on top of the jump ropes tomorrow.  The good news is I felt physically not very well after eating it.  So, that will now keep me on the straight and narrow for the narrow for the next 63 days.  Maybe my body is also at a point of rejecting bad food, which must mean I am well on my way to being healthier from the inside.

Just a short (and honest) blog today.

Happy day 27 everyone.


Saturday, 26 March 2011

Guilt - well only a little

So I missed a day of exercise.  I had intended to do them last night after work but I ended up going out with friends and dancing the night away until 4am.   I decided that after 4 very stressful weeks at work, the release of dancing the night away - bottle of water only in hand - was the perfect mental work-out that I really needed. And all those hours on the dance floor had to more than make up for the 1100 jump ropes at least.

I did get up and do today's already, so feeling quite proud of that.

And my success of the PCP programme so far: I have moved up two holes on my belt already.  Yahoo!!


Wednesday, 23 March 2011


This must be some sort of meditative programme.  1050 jumps and by the time I get to about 800 I am in a complete daze.  My shins are still killing me and I really notice it every morning as I walk to work.   And 17 x 4 sets of lunges per leg with no rest in between is really just another way of doing 136 lunges in a row.  It burns by the time I get to about 80.  Ok Phil, stop bitching and just get yourself through it.

I'm glad the exercises are starting to change.  I'm still motivated, but getting bored somewhat by the daily repetition (see earlier comment about meditation).

That's all I have for today.  I finished my exercises at 11:40 so happy to have finished this side of midnight.


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Day 20 something

Hey All,

So its 12:01, just past midnight and I have just finished my exercises for today.  I have now decided I am, by circumstance, a late night work-out boy.  Work continues to be incredibly busy and it's usually very late by the time I get my meals ready for the next day and climb into bed.  I think the next 68 days will be a complete daze, which is slightly a shame as I'd like to have more time to enjoy this process.

How are people doing with injuries? I ask because the 1050 jumps are wreaking havoc on my shins.  I looked ahead and saw at about day 28 we have to do 1300 jumps. Thankfully I work for the NHS so access to emergency care is quite easy. I might get some nice drugs to dull the pain.

OK, that is it. My pillow calls.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Sunday so good

Ah, Sunday, the last bastion of peace before the craziness of the week sets in.  Highlight of today, I skipped 1050 jumps.  I got to 900 and said I'd go til I got caught up in the rope.  I hadn't expected to make it so far, but was pretty impressed.  My chins are killing me.  Is anyone else finding that?  I might start swapping jump rope for a swim once a week just for a bit of a break.

I really enjoyed reading Patrick's e-mail the other day about how your body and mind changes a few weeks in to   this programme.  Cheers for that, P.  I could relate to the BM and the balanced outlook on the world. I also have found I am generally tired all the time.  Case in point, a two hour nap this afternoon.

Today was another major shopping trip. I was laughing to myself.  24 aisles at my local Sainsbury's and I can only shop in five of them with the PCP diet.  If that doesn't give you an idea of how much crap is sold in supermarkets that isn't that good for out bodies, then I don't know what does.

On the food front, I'm following Patrick's method and only doing fish.  I know we are only on day 20, but can anyone give me some imaginative ideas for carbs please.  I have done whole wheat pasta three times a day every day now and so looking for something different. What is everyone else eating?

I think I am starting to see some changes to my body, but still need to do some way to lose the gut. 70 days to go, it's gotta disappear by the end of it surely :).

Had dinner with mates on Friday night and then headed out on the town.  6 bottled waters later and didn't even want any alcohol.  I'm surprised at how little I miss alcohol.  I wish the same could be said for Haagen-Daas Ice least it's far from my mind as I don't go down that aisle anymore.

Ok, time for bed here PCP'ers! Keep it up everyone!!


Thursday, 17 March 2011

Free breakfast going on tube

So my day started at 5:30am with my breakfast and lunch nicely packed into my tupperware containers.  As usual, I eat my breakfast on the tube heading to work. It wasn't until I got off the first tube that I realised I left my food on the seat and it was making its along the London Underground solo.  I can only hope that someone picked it up and had a very healthy meal.

I then amended my lunch as best as I could so it now became my breakfast leaving me the (I thought) relatively simple task of getting a healthy lunch in Central London.  So here is the revelation of the week: It is really difficult to find a place to eat in London that serves food that even comes close to the PCP diet. Or maybe I am just not that inventive.  I ended up having sashimi and some assorted veggies.

Well its now 11:30.  I have just finished my dinner and work-out and its time for bed.  Sorry Patrick, I am failing horribly on the 8 hours of sleep.  I'm soooo gonna make up for it this weekend

Happy Day 17 everyone!!


Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Jones'-ing and swings

Two testing events today. A Green and Black's Organic Chocolate bar on my colleagues desk and a guy eating a burger on the tube on the way home.  The chocolate was the harder of the two, but seeing some of the pics of the PCP'ers in the programme ahead of us is motivation enough.  

Ok, so has anyone else got a bit grumpy lately?  I'm usually a pretty happy laid back guy, but the last few days everything is starting to really piss me off.  Is it my body reacting to not having sugar and processed food?  Writing blunt e-mails at work, snappy with colleagues and don't even get me started on the tube journeys into work.  I'm hoping this passes quickly or I need a way to vent.  I've also noticed  I am more tired than usual. Especially in the middle of the afternoon.  Anybody else?

Alright, bed calls..........  

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Long day done

14 hours in the office.  Home at 10.  Workout done by 11.  Dinner for tonight cooked, and breakfast and lunch already packed for tomorrow.  Efficient, but sustainable?  75 days will tell.  And took a photo of my meals, and (reluctantly) took this weeks photo of my body.  Ok, so I'm slightly impressed by my ability to multi-task all that.  

So not much to say today.  Is anyone else worried that they are losing too much weight?  Even with all this food, I still seem to be dropping weight.  My brother and a few people at work have noticed that my face is getting thinner.  I lose weight quite easily so think I might ask Patrick to re-evaluate my food intake.

I feel really bad that I haven't found much time to read other people's blogs.   I think my new goal will be to read two a night.  I feel being more involved in the on-line part of this will keep me going - especially when we hit day 45 and I 'll no doubt be considering setting my jump rope on fire.

Ok, off to upload my body shot, and then off to bed. 5:30 am comes early.

Happy day 15 PCP'ers.


Sunday, 13 March 2011

Day 13

Sunday mornings are no longer about reading the newspapers in bed.  They have been replaced with my jump rope.  The jump rope is wierdly becoming an additional appendage.  Thankfully I am enjoying its company and was able to get to 700 skips today and only got my feet tangled in the rope 4 times. That is some progress from the early days.

I have also bought a very snazzy new electronic weigh scale.  I decided it was time to invest in a proper one.  It's a great 'sleek' addition to my kitchen.  

So I am having a past PCP'er over for dinner tonight - my mate Nick - who was the one that got me onto this programme.  I figure a saltless, sauceless tasteless dinner is a great way to repay him,  Hat's off to him actually, Day 13 and I'm not cursing him yet.  It did make me realise that I will have to put a moratorium on dinner parties for a while though.  If I served what I am eating now, there'd be some pretty disgruntled friends around the table.    I have been promised a champagne brunch on Day 91 after completing though (Sorry Patrick).

Ok, back to doing office stuff.....on a sunday night at 10pm no less. Work/life balance, where are you??  

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Food shop galore

Massive revelation of the week has to be this:  Buying healthy food is so much cheaper than buying processed crap!!  Or maybe its that I'm buying the right portions rather than just eating lots of poor nutrients.  Either way, I felt extremely contented at the supermarket as I walked around proud of what was no longer in my shopping cart.

Ok, so it wouldn't be an understatement to say I am feeling a little stressed.  Works seems to have gone into overdrive and I'm struggling to keep up with workloads, food prep and getting my exercises done.  My neighbours must think I am mad skipping at 11:30 at night in the garden.  I read Patrick's email about the importance of rest.  8 hours!!!! I had to laugh.  Maybe on Sunday mornings, but if I get 7 hours through the week I am lucky and that's before I was doing all my exercises.  It made me think that sitting at a desk for most of the day might be equivalent to the missed hours of sleep.  Somehow, I am certain this is not the case.

One of the things I was hoping to get from this programme (other than a totally hot bod!!!) was the ability to deal with stress much better.  I know there is a proven link between exercise and stress reduction.   If I'm honest, this first week of eating properly has been pretty intense.  I'm looking forward to getting into a routine with it, but assume it'll take a few weeks before it gets completely embedded.

Happy Day 12 PCP'ers!


Thursday, 10 March 2011

Day 10

I am really starting to enjoy the exercises.  Although the skipping is starting to wreak havoc on my knees.  I used to do my knees in from running (which I have since given up) so am slightly concerned that the increase and constant repetition is going to cause pain and injury.  I've tried skipping on the grass but it doesn't really work. 

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reduce the impact on the knees?

The diet is going well but I'm probably falling behind in the measurements and getting the amounts right.  I definitely need to spend my weekends planning my food for the following week.  It's more time intensive than I had expected and with 10-12 hour days in the office, I'm struggling to coordinate everything.  

My exercises usually occur after 9:30pm and so its a race to blog and have a lot at all the emails that come through each day.  I'm trying to read a few blogs each night but I think it may not be sustainable for the remaining 80 days.  I'll likely reduce my blogs to a few times a week and then spend one of two evenings browsing and commenting on other peoples blogs.   I'm hoping work settles down over the next few weeks, and I can give more time and energy to seeing how everyone else is doing.

On a very positive note, I really think I am starting to see some changes in my body. The half meals for the first week definitely has started to reduce my belly.  And the 197 stairs I climb at Russell Square tube station seems much easier. :)

Ok, that's it for today. Off to bed for this PCP'er !!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

2nd Gear

Ok, back in the UK and getting my meals ready for tomorrow.  I think I might have to go down to part time hours as I have no idea how I am supposed to eat so much food in one day.  I'm wandering if I can just blend everything and drink it - or maybe a straight IV drip beside my desk.

The exercises have really jumped up a notch too.  I just finished for the night.  My jump rope skills are much improved and I actually got to 100 jumps before the rope got tangled in my feet.  Quite an achievement.

Tomorrow is my big shopping day for food.  I've cleaned out my fridge and thrown out a lot of things I know Patrick would never approve of.  I have a feeling I am probably going to save myself a ton of money over the next 81 days.....and that's even before I count all the money from not drinking bottles of wine.

Well, I am up at 5:30 tomorrow for work, so just wanted to say congrats to everyone on completing the first week.  I've enjoyed reading the blogs and its definitely helping to keep me motivated. Thanks for that.

Phil x

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Skipping in Spain

So my holiday mornings are spent skipping just before breakfast.  I'm slightly concerned people must think I am slightly odd skipping on my balcony, but its all for a good cause.

I'm amazed at how much my calves hurt after skipping and how exhausted I get from just jumping up and down. I know from my mate Nick who told me about Peak Condition and got me signed up to it that skipping increases over the weeks.  I'm sure (well hoping) my cardio will improve as the weeks go by.

So day three of my vacation and no desserts, no hot chocolates, and small meals have been the mantra of each day.  This is likely going to be the only vacation I return from weighing less than I left.  Interestingly, my friends have really supportive and are joining in with the healthy eating.  Gotta love that!!    I won't mention alcohol consumption but its within a respectable limit.  

I'm back home on Wednesday and really excited to start a proper diet and get all the correct food bought.

Ok, off for some fish and steamed vegetables.....

Hope everyone is enjoying the programme, I'll be glad to get back to London and blog more regularly.


Friday, 4 March 2011

Off on holidays

So did my exercises late last night and was up early this morning for the next round.  I'm off to Spain for a few days (with skipping rope packed in my suitcase).  I might not have a chance to blog while I am away....and if that's the case I'll have a long one to post upon my return.

Hope everyone has a great few days of exercising.


Thursday, 3 March 2011

Late night work outs


Ok, so just getting in from the office and about to do my exercises before falling into bed so this is a very short blog   :)


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Long day and now to exercise

Ok, so day two.  I'm starving.  1.5 weetabix seems a pretty skimpy  breakfast, especially when followed by half a sandwich for lunch.  I think my colleagues might see my grumpy side soon.

13 hours in the office today and bizarrely looking forward to the skipping we go!!!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Day 1

Hey everyone, 

Ok so never blogged before, so this will be a new experience.  So day 1 down.  So far so manageable, although eating 50% is quite an adjustment. But figuring I need to lose a few pounds so I'm all for it.  I'm really intrigued to see how I cope with 90 days of a strict diet and exercise.  I think it'll be a real test of my discipline, but I'm excited to see how my body will change over the next three months.

And after years of working with personal trainers on and off, I'm just relieved to no longer have to go to the gym.   Loving that idea the most.  

Um, I never knew skipping was so exhausting.  What's with that?

Alright, well I hope everyone had a good first day on PCP!  Good luck to us!!
