Monday, 2 May 2011

Day 1-45: A+, Day 45-60: F-, Day 60-90: Back to A+

Ok, so the first 45 days were fantastically driven and with great adherence to the diet and the exercise.  Day 45-60 has been plagued by one bout of the flu, one bout of food poisoning and ridiculous working hours. I really feel the last two weeks have been a real failure.  I've maintained as many days of exercise as possible, but I have missed about 9 out of 15 days due to sickness.  And for four of those days I could not keep any food or water down, so I sadly feel I have lost a lot of the benefits gained since the start of this programme.

I also feel I have lost a lot of muscle over the last two weeks so I am now very committed to make the most of this last month.  I wander if doing two sets of exercises will fast track my progress??  Needless to say I have some big work ahead of me to make sure I get to a better place by Day 90.  I will post a new post-sick pic later this evening.

I have also decided I am going to keep on with the exercises after 90 days and maintain the diet.  Keen to keep the momentum of progress going.

Ok, I feel slightly less guilty for the failures now.  Off to exercise now.


  1. My goal for post PCP, as of today, is to redo the entire workout portion. Only this time every set I am going to nail, within the time frames laid out. Push ups will be done off my knees ect ect. I want to have a solid foundation and I know this program is providing that. With my new found strength I will repeat only better this round!

  2. Hey man, good luck making the most of the last 30 days. I'm with you on that! Also continuing PCP principles past the 90 day point. Sounds like a plan...

  3. Doubling up on exercises won't work man, the body isn't an ATM machine!

  4. What's happening Phil ? Not seen any updates for a while.. hope all is well..
